Available Equipment & Expertise

We have field and laboratory expertise measuring and analysing water fluxes across the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum.


We offer the following field monitoring expertise:

  • Soil water fluxes: water content, matric potential, tension, groundwater levels
  • Plant water fluxes: sapflow, dendrometers, leaf & stem water potential, stomatal conductance
  • Streamflow gauging: gauge constructions, tracer dilution, velocity measurements, ADCP
  • Meteorological variables: assessment of climatological drivers & microclimate
  • Data logging: we developed our own “WaldLab” Logger, compatible with all common digital and analog inputs (Laboratory of Environmental Engineering)

Additionally, we offer the following laboratory expertise:

  • Soil physical parameters: grain size distribution, saturated hydraulic conductivity, water retention curves
  • Water chemistry: alkalinity, ion chromatography, stable water isotopes (Laboratory of Environmental Engineering)

For any questions or consulting advice, please contact directly.

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