WaldLab Forest Experimental Site

At our WaldLab forest site we aim to monitor water dynamics across the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. We focus on understanding where the trees source waters for transpiration and how they adapt to dry spells.

Leaf on forrest floor with rain droplets

Dates: 2020 - today
Funding: ETH Grants, LUIW
Site manager: Dr Marius Floriancic
PhD Students: Stefano Martinetti (2021-2025)

external page www.waldlabor.ch
WaldLab @D-USYS



Dr. Marius Floriancic
Lecturer at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
  • HIF D 18.2
  • +41 44 633 39 92

Institut für Umweltingenieurwiss.
Laura-Hezner-Weg 7
8093 Zürich

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