GoNEXUS - Lake Como and Zambezi River Basin

Dates: 2022-2025
Funding: European Commission Horizon 2020
Contact: Prof. Paolo BurlandoDr. Scott Sinclair, Mikhail Smilovic


external page GoNEXUS is a 4-year Horizon 2020 project supported by the European Commission. Through 8 in-depth case studies using river basins in Europe and Africa, its researchers will collaborate with stakeholders to re-balance water, food, energy, and ecosystems. The data from these case studies will be used to create scenarios for future impacts on the global and continental levels as well as for the climate and policy areas. GoNEXUS will develop an evaluation framework to design and assess innovative solutions for an efficient and sustainable coordinated governance of the water-energy-food-ecosystem nexus.
In GoNEXUS the chair is responsible for leading Work Package 5 “WEFE evidence”, which aims to develop and coordinate sound evidence on the WEFE nexus baseline performance, and contribute to evaluating the success of proposed solutions for inter-sectoral WEFE challenges. In addition the group is providing high-resolution stochastic down-scaling of climate projections, as well as hydrological modelling for two basin scale case studies (Lake Como and the Zambezi river basin). Finally, the chair coordinates stakeholder dialogues and other project activities for the Zambezi case study.

Lake Como and Zambezi River Basin
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