Popular science magazines for youth

Have you ever wondered what are good popular science magazines for young people who are considering to study environmental engineering?

I have consulted this question with colleagues and have come with the following subjective list. If you are interested in nature and the environment, and want to get a broad overview of the issues concerning our planet, scientific and engineering advancements try external pageSmithsonian, external pagePopular Science, external pageSierra Magazine, external pageScientific American in English. Good German alternatives are external pageNatur and external pageBild der Wissenschaft. If you are looking for more focussed environmental perspectives in Swiss science and engineering try the less frequent issues of external pageHorizonte, the BAFU magazine external pageUmwelt, or external pageWasser Energie Luft. All of these have electronic versions and some are free. Some of the above magazines are more suited than others for young people, but they will all give perspectives on what drives environmental engineering into the future, and why it is cool to study this field. And they will make a nice Christmas gift... Peter Molnar.

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