SNF highlights our research

Humans and climate change impact sediment fluxes in the Rhone Basin

Sediment fluxes in Alpine catchments are the result of intreactions between climate (warming, increased glacial sediment) and human (dams, intakes, channelisation, sediment extraction) effects. A recent paper in Scientific Reports highlighted by SNF showcased our work which shows how complex these interactions are in the Rhone Basin.

Lane, S. N., Bakker, M., Costa, A., Girardclos, S., Loizeau, J.-L., Molnar, P., Silva, T., Stutenbecker, L., Schlunegger, F. (2019) external pageMaking stratigraphy in the Anthropocene: climate change impacts and economic conditions controlling the supply of sediment to Lake Geneva, Scientific Reports, 8904(9), doi:10.1038/s41598-​019-44914-9.

Highlighted by SNF: external pageSediments in Lake Geneva reflect the 2008 financial crisis

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