IHA Young Research Award
Martina Botter won the prize for her PhD research
A decision Support System to test new hydropower operation strategies to adapt to the changing climate and socio-economic context, realised in collaboration with Dr. Daniela Anghileri (University of SOuthampton), Prof. Dr. Hannes Weigt (University of Basel), Prof. Dr. Andrea Castelletti (Politecnico di Milano) and Prof. Dr. Paolo Burlando (ETH Zurich). The work introduces a framework to test new hydropower operation stategies to adapt to a changing climate and economic context. World Hydropower Congress, Paris, 14-16 May 2019.
You can find the link to the Young Resarch Award here, or read the awarded abstract (Download PDF (PDF, 495 KB), 495 KB).
International Hydropower Association: external page https://www.hydropower.org