DAFNE project stakeholder engagement in the Omo-Turkana basins
Last week the DAFNE project devoted a week to launching its first stakeholder meetings on integrated water resources management in the Omo-Turkana Basins of Ethiopia and Kenya.
DAFNE is short for "Decision Analytic Framework to explore the water-energy-food Nexus in complex and transboundary water resources systems of fast-growing developing countries”.
The four-year action research project, DAFNE, funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action programme, investigates options for the sustainable resource management together with stakeholders in both the Omo-Turkana and the Zambezi river basins in Africa. The approach used highlights the interdependence of water, energy and food security, particularly in light of the growing impacts of climate change that influences all three.
ETH Zurich Hydrology and Water Resources is the project coordinator under the leadership of Prof. Paolo Burlando. The project consortium consists of 14 partner institutions from Africa and Europe with a broad range of expertise. For further details, download the Download full press release (PDF, 173 KB) or visit the project website external page http://www.dafne-project.eu/