Ecohydrology Summer School 2024

From Field Data to Process Modeling: 18th - 21st of June, 2024


The uncertainty related to short- and long-term effects of global warming on ecohydrological fluxes has led to a massive growth in interest in studies addressing these problems. As a consequence, there have been various advances in data acquisition and modeling approaches on different temporal and spatial scales across different environments. We organize a summer school aiming to foster communication and exchange between young scientists working on ecohydrological fluxes with different specific interests and methods. We particularly aim to offer practical experiences in novel measurement techniques, data analysis and modeling practices.

The summer school will take place from 18th to 21st of June 2024 and will cover two days in Zurich with focus on measurements and data analysis (with field excursions to two long term field sites: Waldlabor and Lägern) and two days in Sion with a focus on modeling.

Download Flyer (JPEG, 190 KB)


To apply please provide a short statement of purpose to including your references and your motivation to participate in the summer school. PhD students from the ETH and EPFL domain are particularly encouraged to apply. The application period ends on the 1st of Aprli 2024.


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